Our Registered Acupuncturists

Michael Wing-Xiu Chu, R. TCMP, R. Ac

Michael is a Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Registered Acupuncturist of Ontario. Michael completed his TCM training at the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a school specializing in acupuncture and needle manipulation.

Michael’s passion with helping people to attain over all health well being has lead him to pursue the career of TCM. His treatment involves taking a holistic approach to relieve the symptoms while treating the root cause. This is done by carefully selecting points and gentle manipulation of the needle. He can also promote better local circulation and local muscle relaxation, which reliefs pain, but at the same time, this can bring the body back to the balance state. Michael can also help with improving on digestion, better sleeping quality, reduce stress, anxiety and strengthen immunity. When necessary, he can also add other modalities such as cupping and tuina to further enhance the therapeutic effects.

Wing-Xiu (Michael) Chu, R. Ac    

Michael is a graduate of the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2019, brings a wealth of knowledge to his practice. Specializing in cupping and acupressure massage treatments, Michael is dedicated to employing a holistic approach to address his clients' symptoms of pain. His focus is on identifying and treating the root causes of discomfort, aiming for long-term relief and wellness. Outside of his professional life, Michael maintains a balanced lifestyle that complements his holistic beliefs. His interests in reading and meditation suggest a commitment to ongoing learning and inner peace. Engaging in activities like tennis and Tai Chi further ensures that he not only provides effective treatments but also inspires his clients to embrace holistic practices for optimal health.

Sanaz Hejabimonfared, R. Ac    

Sanaz brings a wealth of experience in acupuncture, having graduated from the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2017. Her approach to client care is marked by a personalized perspective, tailoring treatments to meet individual needs effectively. Sanaz specializes in various therapeutic techniques including Cupping, Guasha, Moxa Therapy, and Electroacupuncture, showcasing her diverse skill set in traditional Chinese medicine. Sanaz cultivates a welcoming atmosphere for her clients, ensuring they feel comfortable and supported during their sessions. Her personal interests in yoga, pilates, and gardening reflect a commitment to holistic well-being and balance in her own life

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